Nnnworld's oldest book diamond sutra sanskriti

The buddhist text known as the diamond sutra is believed to be the oldest surviving printed book in the world. Thats pretty cool, especially because it was printed in the year 868 using a technique thats similar to modern offset printing. Few venture that the answer is a revered buddhist text called the diamond sutra, printed in 868 a. A copy of the chinese version of diamond sutra, found among the dunhuang manuscripts in the early 20th century by aurel stein, was dated back to may 11, 868 and is the earliest complete survival of a dated printed book. Made in 868 ad and written in chinese, the text contains a significant dialogue on perception, and is one of the most important sacred works of the buddhist faith. The diamond sutra is an ancient buddhist sermon that generation of buddhists have memorized and chanted since at least the fifth century. Five things to know about the diamond sutra, the world s oldest dated printed book printed over 1,100 years ago, a chinese copy of the diamond sutra at the british library is one of the most.

Vajracchedika prajnaparamita sutra is a mahayana buddhist. A central text of indian buddhism, the diamond sutra was first translated. The diamond sutra is the worlds earliest dated printed book. The sutra, which meditates on the illusory nature of the material worldthe central theme of buddhism, was originally written in sanskrit in india, from which it was translated to chinese in 401 ad. This copy of the diamond sutra is the worlds earliest, dated, printed book ad 868. Ask people to name the worlds oldest printed book and the common reply is gutenbergs bible. The diamond sutra, as described by the british library, is the worlds earliest complete survival of a dated printed book. The book unwittingly came to light when a chinese monk clearing sand from a buddhist meditation cave in 1900 noticed a crack in a wall. Five things to know about the diamond sutra, the worlds oldest dated printed book. Five things to know about the diamond sutra, the worlds.

The oldest known printed book in the world the vajracchedika prajnaparamita sutra has been translated from sanskrit into english variously as the diamond sutra, the diamond cutter sutra, the vajra sutra and the vajra cutter sutra. Oldest printed book published national geographic society. In addition to the actual text of the diamond sutra this web site provides a diamond sutra background page which explains the origins of the diamond sutra and information about how this new translation was done. Diamond sutra a new translation of the classic buddhist text. The extraordinary discovery of the worlds oldest book 09122012 08. It is an important buddhist text that has a long and profound history. Diamond sutra, first printed book on 11 may 868 ce history. This relic of buddhism isnt the outright oldest book woodblock printing was invented some 200300 years prior but its the oldest surviving book with the date it was published printed on it. The original manuscript was one of many discovered in the mogao caves of dunhaung, china.